My name is Christian Kragh. I am a designer, developer and animator, with a passion for interactive, animated front-end web development and motion graphics. I worked at LendingTree as a full-time Creative Marketing Manager for about 10 years and have done freelance work for almost 20 years now. I create engaging banner ads, animated and interactive web applications, and animated videos. Got a cool project? Please don’t hesitate to reach out.
Scroll down to explore some of my work
Banner ads
I create pixel-perfect designs and then use clean, custom, super light-weight HTML, CSS and JavaScript to code and animate all my interactive ads. I don’t use any frameworks or programs that output generic code, so my ads load quickly - some ads as low as 10kb. I have about 15 years experience coding and animating Display ads.
Web animation and applications
Sometimes I use Adobe Animate for more complex animation projects like this app tour. I'm inject data, functionality and interactivity into my web applications using JavaScript, XML, JSON and other web programming languages. For example, this website is built with ScrollMagic.js and GreenSock.
Video animation
I create animated, direct-response national TV commercials using kenetic typography, graphic elements and effects in After Effects.
Contact me
If you are looking for any web design, development, web animation or video animation work, please don't hesitate to start a conversation.